Unusual: Erdo?an 'off air' for longer than 24 hours

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an casts his vote in Istanbul on June 7. ?I observe that there is a high turnout [at the polls]. Thus this is a necessary situation for a strong democracy,? he said.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has unusually stayed off-air from Turkish broadcasters for longer than 24 hours - an unprecedented length of time considering his relentless TV speeches over the past few months before the general election.

Erdo?an had been appearing on Turkish TV stations as often as three times a day during the campaign season for the June 7 general elections. He even gave a brief, deliberately non-partisan speech at noon on the day he was voting in Ankara on June 7.

After the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which he co-founded, lost its parliamentary majority in the election, Erdo?an released a statement calling on all parties to assess the results of the June 7 parliamentary election ?healthily and realistically.? However, he has yet to appear in public.

Here is the ticking counter showing how long since Erdo?an was last on-air on Turkish TVs:

President Erdo?an Has Been Off-Air For... Countup

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