Bulgarian Folklore Song Illegally Used in Hollywood Film Starring George Clooney

A part of the legendary Bulgarian folklore song ''Izlel e Delio Haidutin'' has been used in the score for the movie starring George Clooney Tomorrowland.

''This is the first time that I am hearing about this, '' said original performer of the song, Valya Balkanska, as quoted by the Bulgarian National Television. ''The register of the song is slightly lower there. This is not my voice. A lot of people have sung it but this is the first time that I have heard it in this arrangement.''

Meanwhile, in a recent correspondence to the TV station, composer Thomas J. Bergersen admitted to having used portions of the song for the movie score.

Balkanska said that it will be extremely high to sue him, because it will be difficult to set up a lawsuit.

''The power of Delio has found its place - from earth to the infinite space above.''

This has not been the first occasion when the song sounding at the international space satellite has been used in Hollywood production without getting the exclusive permission of the singer. Five years ago the Bulgarian folklore song was used in a movie dedicated to the Afghanistan war. 

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