Erasmus+ coordinators meet in Turkey's southern province of Antalya

Erasmus+ exchange program coordinators from universities across Turkey gathered for a meeting in the southern province of Antalya to enhance their knowledge about the details of the program.

Organized in cooperation with the European Union Ministry and the Akdeniz University?s International Relations Office, an informative meeting on the Erasmus+ program was held on June 11. Some 100 university representatives from across the country who work as Erasmus coordinators in their universities gathered for the meeting. 

Prof. Burhan Özkan, who is an advisor to the rector of Akdeniz University and the International Relations coordinator, said their aim in organizing such an event was to inform university coordinators who did not have enough information and experience about the Erasmus+ program, which was implemented in 2014 and will continue until 2020. 

?We have given priority to the new employees who have started to work in the Erasmus offices of the higher education institutions that have not been involved in mobility activities before,? said Özkan. 

The ERASMUS+ program is a European exchange program that offers university students, professors and staff an opportunity to study or work abroad in another European country for a period between three to 12 months.

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