Illegall Landfills Near Plovdiv Now Investigated

Photo: BGNES

Specialized teams will be removing the illegal landfills in the Plovdiv neighborhood of Stolipinovo. Tons of rubbish in the Roma neighborhood have caused tensions with the rest of town. Inspectors accompanied by police officers will also be investigating reported cases of illegal stock breeding, the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) reported.

The street of Batak will be the first stop along the way, as it is the location that trucks mostly use to dispose of construction waste illegally. Currently, the location has been cleaned up. However, according to the local administration it takes merely a month for it to be filled up with another portion of construction waste.

Despite the mass action, the people and companies responsible still remain unknown.

''There are two more locations that have been used illegally for the purposes of unregulated landfills, '' stated the Mayor of the Eastern region in Plovdiv, Nikolay Tchuntchukov. '' Therefore, starting next week we have decided to go on daily inspections alongside police officers, municipal inspectors and security officers. They will be reletless, will impose santions upon the wrongdoers. We believe that the action will prevent further pollution of the region.''

The sanctions prescribed will be between BGN 100 and 1,000 as long as local authorities are able to establish the culprits. 

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