Juncker, Schulz on Greece crisis: History in the making!

“Important events for which you are not prepared are going on in Athens, with results which probably won’t match articles you wrote,” EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker told a reporters covering the Eurogroup meeting in Brussels, while European Parliament president Martin Schulz added that “what is happening today is historic”.

Unconfirmed reports out of Athens claim that the radical leftist government is having “second thoughts” over the hastily called referendum it scheduled for Sunday. The cancelation of the plebiscite would depend on new bailout negotiations beginning.

Juncker earlier told reporters that he hopes there is a positive development leading up to Tuesday evening.

Dueling rallies, in favor of “yes” and “no” continued in the Greek capital, with “yes” and pro-Europe proponents taking over the square in front of Parliament on Tuesday, a day after the anti-austerity and mostly left-leaning “no” supporters.

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