Scores of young Swaziland girls heading to ‘reed dance’ die in traffic collision

The deaths of scores of young women and teen girls in Swaziland headed to a controversial “reed dance” continued to spark outrage this over the weekend in southern Africa, with questions swirling over why such a large group was being transported on a flatbed truck.

According to the BBC, a local human rights group said 38 died and at least 20 others were badly injured when the truck that transported them collided with another vehicle on Friday.

The “reed dance” rite annually attracts up to 40,000 girls and young women, during which Swaziland monarch Mswati chooses his new wife. The dance takes place at the African king’s official residence.

The eight-day event has attracted attention and controversy, given that young women parade semi-naked in front of the royal residence. Women’s rights advocates say the event is outdated and sexist.

The accident on Friday when the two vehicles collided on a highway between the capital Mbabane and Manzini.


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