Kosovo Opposition MPs Hurl Eggs at PM

Opposition MPs hurled eggs towards Kosovo's Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, while he was addressing parliament on the latest agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade on August 25.

MPs from the nationalist Self-determination movement erupted during the Prime Minister's speech when he said that the recent agreement complied with Kosovo's constitution.

"Whose constitution - Serbia's?" the MPs shouted as they started to throw eggs in the direction of Mustafa.

The Prime Minister's security reacted immediately by protecting him with an umbrella. Mustafa left parliament soon afterwards.

The speaker of parliament, Kadri Veseli, interrupted the session by calling for a break.

"Today's behaviour by the opposition does not contribute to our country moving forward," Ismet Beqiri, an MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, said.

Glauk Konjufca, a Self-determination MP, defended their action, however. "We wanted to express our great concern about the agreement ... with Belgrade," singling out the agreement on the formation of an Association of Serbian Municipalities in Kosovo with wide-ranging powers.

The opposition parties claim the Association of Serbian Municipalities will have much the same powers as the Serbian dominated entity in Bosnia, Republika Srpska, which many see as a state within a state. Threats by the RS to secede from Bosnia has raised fears that Kosovo could face a similar prospect.

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