Ismet Beqiri

Kosovo’s Oldest Party Searches for Election Winner

But, two days before the congress opened, the LDK Secretary General, Ismet Beqiri, has admitted that Mustafa may stay on - and that there are a number of other interested contenders.

"It is no secret, there are candidates," he told TV Dukagjini on Thursday. "This should be seen as normal. Our aim is for the new LDK team to win the upcoming parliamentary elections," Beqiri added.

Kosovo MPs Hold Marathon Debate on Activist's Death

MPs from the ruling coalition of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, convoked an extraordinary session of parliament to discuss the death of opposition activist Astrit Dehari - having earlier refused to discuss the matter on the grounds that they were awaiting the official forensic report.

Kosovo Opposition MPs Hurl Eggs at PM

Opposition MPs hurled eggs towards Kosovo's Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, while he was addressing parliament on the latest agreement reached between Pristina and Belgrade on August 25.

MPs from the nationalist Self-determination movement erupted during the Prime Minister's speech when he said that the recent agreement complied with Kosovo's constitution.

Kosovo Opposition Rejects Guaranteed MP Seats for Minorities

The Kosovo Democratic League and the ‘Vetevendosje’ Movement, both opposition parties, said on Monday that they would not be held to ransom by Serb MPs who have threatened to abstain in a crucial vote next week on constitutional changes to establish a Kosovo army if they don’t get agreement on future minority representation.