Turkish President Erdo?an defends Saudi organization of Hajj

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has spoken out to defend Saudi Arabia in the wake of the Hajj tragedy that left more than 750 pilgrims dead.

"It is not right to have the approach of putting the blame on Saudi Arabia," he told reporters in Istanbul on Sept. 25.

"On the contrary, during the Hajj and Umrah I participated in, I came to observe closely the level of sensibility in the organization work conducted there.

"Therefore I cannot say 'the organization is wrong'.

"I believe that the Saudi Arabian government will take some decisions just as they did to act decisively after the construction incident."

At least 750 pilgrims, including four Turkish citizens, were killed and 800 others were injured in Sept. 25's incident near Islam's holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

The tragedy unfolded in Mina, around 5 kilometers east of Mecca, shortly after pilgrims had performed the ritual "stoning of the devil" at Jamarat.

According to Saudi figures, some 2 million Muslims from around the world are participating in this year's Hajj.

The tragedy came two weeks after 107 people were killed when a crane collapsed in Mecca's Grand Mosque, which had been packed with worshippers at the time.

In further comments after a meeting with the president of Macedonia, Erdo?an refuted claims suggesting his views on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have changed.

?These are malicious quests. My approach about Turkey?s Syrian policy is the same with my term as prime minister,? Erdo?an said.

Erdo?an was referring to comments published in Turkish media following his statements the day before.

?Either a transition process without al-Assad, or with al-Assad, is possible. But what is...

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