Events mark centennial of Türkiye-Hungary ties

A series of nearly 100 cultural events are underway to mark the centennial of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Hungary.

A Hungarian ballet group performed in the capital Ankara on Sept. 22, the 96th event in the series, as part of broader efforts to showcase Hungarian culture in Türkiye.

"I would like to thank the Culture and Tourism Ministry and the General Directorate of Opera and Ballet for their strong support and the cultural team of our embassy for this evening," Hungarian Ambassador Viktor Matis said during the event.

The celebration also featured Hungarian dances and a concerto by 19th-century composer Ferenc Liszt at the Presidential Symphony Orchestra building on Sept. 21.

Earlier that day, a modern art exhibition organized by the Hungarian National Bank at Cerodern included another ballet performance.

Renowned Hungarian pianist Janos Balazs was set to take the stage later that evening.

The cultural diplomacy activities, coordinated by the Hungarian embassy in Türkiye, have aimed to promote the countries' art, culture, and cuisine, with events spread throughout the year.

This year is recognized as the Turkish-Hungarian Cultural Year, commemorating the 1923 friendship agreement between the two nations.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's visit to Budapest in December last year officially launched the centennial celebrations, which are expected to culminate in a closing event in Türkiye at the end of 2024.

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