Expo Milano 2015: Greece to showcase its high-quality Mediterranean products

Expo Milano 2015 will take place from October 25 through to October 28 with the participation of the Attica region. A Greek pavilion will be set up with the best of Mediterranean products.

“The region will have the chance to present its identity,” said Theodoros Angelopoulos, the Executive Director of Tourism in the Regional Council, adding that Greece will have the chance to showcase its history, civilization, nature, islands and its products (olive oil, honey, wine, nuts and herbs) in “the most significant trade event at a global level.”

The main agenda of the event is a feature onfeeding the planet’s 870 million people who were under-nourished from 2010-2013. On the other end of the spectrum are the 2.8 million deaths due to obesity-related problems. More conscious policy choices need to be made in order to develop sustainable ways of living and make use of the best technology to create a balance between the availability and consumption of resources.

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