Former Rafina Mayor Vangelis Burnous Attacked by Driver – Video Footage Available

In the video released by Mega, the former mayor is shown being kicked and punched by the driver. Shortly after, the footage captures the assailant’s car reversing to build speed, before accelerating and dragging the 59-year-old politician who had already contacted the police for help.

Watch the video:

These scenes unfolded last Monday afternoon, near the Kerakas, with the driver who almost seriously injured Vangelis Bournous leaving the scene with the woman who was accompanying him and has not been identified to date.

The video shows Mr Bourneous lying on the ground. He grabs his head as soon as he gets up, with the other men trying to restrain the hot-blooded driver, but he continues to beat him.

Mr Burns holds out his mobile phone to alert police and is kicked. Four people have gotten in front of the driver who is out of his mind, with him slowly returning to his car.

The former mayor of Rafina has alerted police, but the man who injured him from the blows is determined not to wait. He gets into the vehicle, backs up for a moment, and steps on the gas.

The video also shows the 59-year-old man standing in front of the car and asking the driver who had assaulted him to wait for the officers, according to the television station. However, the silver car sped off and disappeared into the streets of the area.

Mayor: “I didn’t touch him, swear at him, or talk to him”

“I didn’t touch him either, he aggressively came up to the car, he was stopped before if you see the video and I passed him without bothering him on his right to go park at the light, so there was no reason, I didn’t swear at him or talk to him.”

Everything, as described by Mr. Bournous, who bears only a few bruises from the attack he suffered, started a few minutes before these images, for a trivial reason. “A man went crazy, it happens. He told me he was a police officer, he wasn’t.”

Mr. Bournous has filed a lawsuit against him and is waiting. He did not, he tells us, have to be taken to hospital for first aid. “A complaint has been filed at the police station, a complaint has been filed with the traffic police, the DIA team has been involved,” adding that violence never solves problems.

As the former mayor explained, he did not know the driver of the other car that attacked him and clarified that there was no previous road fight between them. “He said ‘Why did you overtake me on the right, I’m a police officer get out’. I told him to show me your ID and as soon as I told him that he started kicking the car and “walking away.”

The post Former Rafina Mayor Vangelis Burnous Attacked by Driver – Video Footage Available appeared first on ProtoThema English.

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