Gezi victim's brother to address public for HDP

DHA photo

Mustafa Sar?sülük, the brother of Ethem Sar?sülük, who died during the Gezi Park protests in 2013 when a police officer shot him, will make the first televised speech for the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on state-owned TRT channel on Oct. 25 as a candidate from the party.

Sar?sülük, who was named a candidate for the HDP from Ankara in the Nov. 1 general elections, previously said he will be the representative of the Gezi Park uprising two years ago.

Sar?sülük will summarize the Gezi protest in his speech, which will be broadcasted before the prime time news on TRT.

"We call on everyone to say 'no' to those who want to make Turkey a repressive country under one party's rule and against one man's dictatorship," he said in his speech, which will be broadcasted on Oct 25.

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