Ethem Sar

Gezi victim's brother on HDP candidate list for Nov 1 polls

Mustafa Sar?sülük, the brother of Ethem Sar?sülük, who died during the Gezi Park protests in 2013 when a police officer shot him, has been named a candidate for the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) in the Nov. 1 general elections.

The HDP candidate from Ankara said he will be the representative of the Gezi Park uprising two years ago.

Is this your justice, Turkey?

Twenty-year-old Mehmet Ayval?ta?, 22-year-old Abdullah Cömert, 26-year-old Ethem Sar?sülük, 18-year-old Medeni Y?ld?r?m, 19-year-old Ali ?smail Korkmaz, 23-year-old Ahmet Atakan and 15-year-old Berkin Elvan? 

It has been two years since they were murdered during the Gezi Park incidents.