Terrorism, Migration to Take Center Stage at G-20 Meet

Journalists work on the Media Center of the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey, 15 November 2015. EPA/BGNES

Friday's deadly attacks in Paris have added fresh urgency to the scheduled talks on terror, a key theme on the agenda at the two-day Group of 20 Summit in the Turkish resort town of Antalya on November 15.

As world leaders gathered in Antalya, the attacks in Paris and global efforts aimed at crackdown on terrorism will take center stage.

 The G20 leaders are scheduled to discuss terrorism and migration meet at a working dinner on Sunday but, following the Paris attacks, the deliberations could be moved forward if such a proposal is made by the Turkish presidency, according to official sources.

A statement on fighting terrorism will be issued after the dinner, Reuters reported, quoting Russian officials.


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