Turkish Airlines inks deal with ancient city of Petra

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Turkish Airlines and the Petra Development and Tourism Authority have signed a "marketing sponsorship" agreement, granting Turkish Airlines passengers who travel to Petra generous discounts on entry tickets into Jordan's most popular heritage sites when they present their boarding passes.

The agreement was signed by Turkish Airlines Deputy General Manager Ahmet Olmu?tur, Jordanian Tourism Minister Nayif Al-Fayiz, Petra Development and Tourism Authority President Muhammet Al-Nawafelh and Petra Development and Tourism Director Dr. Emad Hijazeen on Nov. 18. 

"This deal will enable us to attract more tourists as Turkish Airlines will offer several discounts to our potential guests. Many Jordanian people see Turkish Airlines as if it were their own domestic company," said Al-Fayiz at the signature ceremony. 

Emphasizing the historical importance of Petra, Al-Fayiz said Jordanian authorities have been in a bid to revive the site and increase its popularity. 

"An autonomous administration was organized to meet this goal. We use all ways to lure more tourists. Our deal with Turkish Airlines will also make positive contribution on Turkish-Jordanian ties," he said. 

Adding to this, Turkish Airlines will also be promoted at the entry of the Petra Visitor Centre by Jordanian authorities, and in exchange for this, the airline will offer special discounts to tour agents for events organized in other countries by the Petra Development and Tourism Authority.

Olmu?tur said Turkish Airlines will work to promote Petra as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World through various channels. 

"We plan to support this historic destination by promoting Petra through our internal channels and Skylife, our inflight magazine. The...

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