Labour Mininster Katrougalos meets ILO chief Ryder

Labour Minister Giorgos Katrougalos met on Thursday with ILO general director Gay  Guy Ryder.

Their talks focused on labour relations and Katrougalos thanked Mr. Ryder for the support of ILO towards Greece during the memoranda period and on labour issues such as collective contracts and mass layoffs.

Mr. Dragasakis stressed that Greece should be Europe’s mirror on issues related to labour and underlined that the memorandum foresees that Greece should follow the best European practices.

Mr. Ryder stated that a substantial progress has been made in the field of practical cooperation with Greece.

He also noted that it is important Greece to proceed to reforms for a sustainable pension system while adding that issues related to the collective contracts, employment programs and social economy were also discussed.

Mr. Ryder stressed that it is important for employers and employees to cooperate on labour issues. Finally, he noted that we will be judged not by our words but by our actions.


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