Abaaoud, mastermind of Paris attacks, kept two apartments in Athens

Yet another hideout of ISIS terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud, mastermind of the Paris attacks on November 13, has been found in Athens. DNA samples of Abaaoud sampled matches registered with the database of the Greek police that were collected from apartments in the Athens neighborhoods of Pangrati and Sepolia in january.

Daily Kathimerini newspaper writes that the terrorist, aged 27, kept two apartments in Greece according to DNA data sent by the French police to Greek authorities after he was killed during a police operation in Saint-Denis, northern Paris, on November 18.

The investigation was carried out after Greek police launched their own search at the request of Belgian authorities who were seeking to establish whether Abaaoud was planning an attack on Belgium from Athens.

The raid of the Pangrati apartment at a basement at 9 Asteropi Street led to the arrest of Omar Damas, an Algerian national, aged 33, who has been extradited to Belgium. Also found in the apartment was a French national of Syrian descent who Belgian authorities were initially not interested in and who has disappeared. The Sepolia apartment was empty but still had traces of DNA and forged French driving licenses.

Other DNA evidence and fingerprints found in these two apartments have yet to be identified.


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