ND leadership countdown: voting centers have opened

The voting centers for the conservative main opposition New Democracy (ND) party opened at 7 a.m. on Sunday and will close at 7 p.m. before election results are announced after 11 p.m. The electoral process for the selection of a new leader is as it was on Sunday, November 22, when technical problems postponed the procedure.

Citizens interested in voting can visit any center they wish provided they are registered voters with the Foreign Ministry. They need to have with them identification, a passport or diploma.

The cost of participation is 3 euros.

In the case that none of the four candidates gather 50% of the votes, then a second round will be held between the two winning candidates on January 10. In that case, only voters who took part in the first round will be able to vote at the same centers they chose in the first round.

According to a party announcement any citizens that have filled out an application for ND membership are eligible to vote.

The election centers in Greece and abroad:

Τhe electoral centers in Greece

Τhe electoral centers abroad

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