ND members of all ages showed up to vote for a better “tomorrow” (vids)

The conservative main opposition New Democracy (ND) electoral centers were open for operation from 7 a.m. and members of the party showed up in droves to elect a new leader. People of all ages showed up to show the strength of the liberal faction in Greece despite its failure in the last national elections followed by a fiasco in its failure to elect a leader due to technical problems on November 22.

Now, they gathered in full force, lining up and waiting for a chance to vote for one of four leadership candidates: Vangelis Meimarakis, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Adonis Georgiadis or Kyriakos Mitsotakis. In some cases, such as the center in Kifissia there were more than 150 people waiting to vote and lining up for more than an hour.

“I waited 50 minutes to vote. However, I’m not complaining and feel happy about the scene I saw. I took part in the voting process, because I believe that in this way things will change in the political landscape of our country. Whatever happens, whoever wins, the real winner from tomorrow will be the New Democracy party,” said Nikos Panagiotou, speaking with protothema.gr. “People care about the future of our country and as it can be scene, today people got off their couches to show this.”

Eleni and Sophia, two tertiary students, waited patiently to cast their vote. “We came so that there can be change in the New Democracy and from tomorrow I feel that we’ll all work a little harder,” said Eleni.

Sophia, her friend, adds: “From tomorrow, I believe that all things will change, and there will be a strong opposition, ND will be more organized and I even believe that the government will be forced to change its tactics.”

Mrs. Olga and her husband waited patiently for more than an hour to vote. “I’m glad I saw many young people.”

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