Romanians Queue on Border For Xmas Holidays

Romania's Interior Ministry on Wednesday started posting updated information on its website about expected waiting times at Romanian checkpoints with Hungary, to curb the frustration of people queuing up to spend their Christmas holidays at home.

"We are trying to cope with the situation when a huge number of people - some 190 per cent more compared to a regular day - wish to enter Romania. The number of border staff on service have been increased, they work all day long, and we will also launch a phone application with latest info about the situation at the border," Interior Minister Petre Toba said.

"I hope people will understand we have taken all necessary measure to reduce waiting times," he added. To avoid congestion, Toba urged drivers to use all the available border checkpoints.

Starting this week, thousands of cars have been queing for hours at Romania's western border as custom procedures have been slowed following a decision to tighten border controls.

"It took me five hours to drive to the border but I needed seven more to cross the checkpoint. Something has to be done to solve the traffic jams," one driver said, according to local media.

Most of the people are Romanians working abroad who are returning home for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Over the past decade, some 2 million Romanians have gone to work abroad.

Most went to Spain and Italy, partly because those languages are close to Romanian, partly because Spain waived restrictions, initially keen to welcome new workers for its construction boom.

Starting from 2014, since the last working restrictions were lifted, one of their favourite destinations has been Britain.

Last month, the Romanian Border Police announced they were introducing ...

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