Whose morality is this anyway?

The world is discussing robots. It is a discussion covering all the dimensions of the subject, from how they will affect employment to robot rights and ethical matters.

Giant companies and states have confined themselves inside laboratories designing the future world. 

Meanwhile, what is happening in Turkey? Forget robots; this is a country that has not solved its issues with people. All hell has broken loose after a local government in this country allocated its billboards to LGBTI organizations. On the billboard: "I am a lesbian, trans, bisexual, intersex. I am at school, office, parliament; I am everywhere."

The issue is not what is written on the billboards. The issue is that quite a lot of people, even though they live with lesbian, trans, bisexual and intersex people in the same house, same street, in the same neighborhood, the same city or same country, act as if they do not exist. 

Those who have started a smear campaign against these billboards are the ones who are the biggest hypocrites. LBGTI people, (in other words, people who have sexual orientations and identities outside of what some people accept) are one of those groups who are subject to the most right violations. 

Those who act as if these people do not exist or those who want them to disappear frequently resort to the concept of "public morality."  

When public morality is mentioned, things like not lying, not stealing and being just come to my mind. Why should a person's sexual preference be a matter of public decency? It shouldn't, but it used all the time. They use the "general morality" as a measure and reason to restrict rights and freedoms. Whose morality acts as a model for general morality is uncertain, however. A woman divorcing her...

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