Organized matters in the media

Ayd?n Do?an, the honorary chairman of the Do?an Group, and Ersin Özince, the head of the ?? Bank executive committee, have allegedly formed an "organized crime body" to carry out certain operations of Petrol Ofisi, a fuel distributor once owned by Do?an Holding before all of its shares were sold to Austria's OMV in 2010. 

This is what the office of the prosecutor claims. 

Because I work in the Do?an Group, naturally my friends and acquaintances are asking me, "How far can this go?"

My reply is: "If there is still rule of law in Turkey, if there are laws, nothing will happen." 

In penal law, there is an important concept. It is universal and as old as Roman law. Its Latin version is cool, let me write it first, maybe the prosecutor would take a note of it:  Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege. It means there are no punishments or crimes without law.

The prosecutor in the Petrol Ofisi case is referring to people "who formed an organized crime ring to forge documents so that they can evade a tax that does not exist."   

The fact is in Turkey there is a tax exemption for oil imports regardless of their origin. The value added tax, as everybody knows, is paid by whoever is finally filling gas into their vehicle.  

If they formed an organized crime ring to forge documents to evade a tax that does not exist, then these people should not be in court, they should actually be in a mental institution.  

Is it possible that the prosecutor does not know this? I absolutely don't think so; this is out of the question.
Could it be possible the court judges who accepted the indictment do not know of this situation? No, that is not possible either. 

Well, how then was such a case opened?  


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