Two serious violations of Greek airspace by Turkish fighters

The Turkish military air-force made violated Greek national airspace on two separate occasions Monday. Two F-4 fighter jets and a KC-135 refueling aircraft flew at 22,000 feet over the northeast side of the island of Lesvos, while another couple of F-16 fighters flew over the isle of Oinousses northeast of Chios earlier. The Turkish F-16s violated the Greek national airspace at about 13.26 flying over the isle at 9,000 feet altitude. Experts consider these violations serious since they occurred over a large island like Lesvos. The Hellenic National Defence General Staff issued a statement of the incident adding that the Turkish planes had been intercepted by Greek fighters in line with international engagement rules. Turkey is a constantly violating the Greek airspace, as it does not recognise the current air borders as determined by international law.

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