Court releases four high-ranking soldiers in coup attempt probe

An Istanbul court ordered the release of three generals and an admiral early on Oct. 14, marking the first release of high-ranking soldiers as part of the ongoing investigation into the failed coup attempt of July 15.

The court ordered the release of Maj. Gen. Veli Yıldırım, Brig. Şener Yazıcıoğlu, Brig. Ali Akyürek and Rear Adm. Ömer Mesut Ak on the grounds of a lack of evidence despite the suspicion that they cooperated with the coup plotters.

The Istanbul 5th Criminal Court of Peace initially rejected the demands for release by Yıldırım, Yazıcıoğlu and Ak.
However, the Istanbul 6th Criminal Court of Peace later ordered the release of the three soldiers following the lawyers' appeal.

According to the court decision, there was no proof of the fact that the troops commanded by the generals participated in the coup attempt, although their names were included on a list of generals that would have overseen the imposition of martial law if the coup had been successful.

It also noted there were suspicions that the soldiers cooperated with the putschists but that the decision was made to release them given that they have permanent residences.

Yıldırım was forced into retirement in the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ) meeting convened after the attempted takeover.

Ak was also dismissed from the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) following a decree law issued under the state of emergency.

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