Heavy mood in Turkey

It is high time we talk about the mood of much of the country - perhaps not all Turkish citizens but at least those who are well-educated, who live a Western lifestyle, and who want to continue to do so. 

There is a heavy mood in the Turkey in which I live. 

There is a strong feeling of indefiniteness. We do not know where the country is heading, where it is being dragged. We have no idea where our future lies. We do not what will happen to us and our families. 

There is also a strong sense of pessimism. What we feel inside and what we see around us all tell us that things are not going well. In fact things are going badly, very badly. 

There is even a feeling of desperation. We are citizens, but we feel like we are second-class citizens. We are voters but we feel that our vote is no good for anything. We have the feeling that as citizens we cannot have the slightest effect on the fate of our country. 

There is also a sense of fear across the country. People are afraid that they could become victims of terrorism. They are afraid that a civil war or an external war will erupt. They fear that their son doing his compulsory military service could be killed. They fear that their property will be taken away. They fear that they might get jailed for any random reason. 

How many people are suffering from these heavy, traumatized feelings? 

Let me tell you, quite a lot of people do. Moreover, these people are the well-educated, producing and consuming citizens. They are the people carrying Turkey with the taxes they pay. 

Isn't it the primary duty of the ruling politician to build confidence and satisfaction among all citizens? 

If it is desired, democracy and politics could be used to reduce...

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