Turkish MP's son tortured in police custody: Report

The son of an opposition lawmaker has reportedly been subjected to torture after being detained by police during a protest he took part in with his mother Hüda Kaya, an MP of the Kurdish issue-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP). 

HDP central executive board member Asiye Kolçak said Muhammed Cihad Saatçioğlu was subjected to torture while in custody.
"Muhammed Cihad was taken to the prosecutor's office with a broken spine because of the torture he was subjected to in the police station," Kolçak wrote on her Twitter account on Nov. 7, sharing a picture of Kaya and Saatçioğlu at hospital, where the latter was handcuffed to his hospital bed. 

Kaya and her son were protesting against the arrests of HDP lawmakers in Istanbul's Kadıköy district alongside other lawmakers from the party. A brawl erupted as police attempted to forcibly disperse the group and many were detained by police, including Saatçioğlu.

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