ND leads SYRIZA by 10.2% in latest poll (video)

According to a Metron Analysis poll aired on Ant-1 TV’s nightly news bulletin, major opposition party New Democracy (ND) leads ruling SYRIZA party by 10.2%. This is the third poll in a row that shows ND have a double digit lead against SYRIZA in the space of one week. On the question of who the respondents intended to vote, 25.8% replied ND, compared to only 15.6% who said they would choose SYRIZA. 21% saw ND President Kyriakos Mitsotakis as the most appropriate for PM, as opposed to 12 who favoured current PM Alexis Tsipras as best suited for the job, while 46% said no-one. The poll, conducted at the end of last week on a sample of 1,005 throughout Greece, revealed 8 out of 10 had a negative opinion on the SYRIZA-ANEL’s 2-year tenure in power. 67% were positive on the government’s policy to provide education to refugee children, while another 52% had a positive view of the government’s policy on same-sex cohabitation contract. The findings showed that 31% were favourable to Greece returning to a national currency, compared to 64% who were for remaining in the Eurozone. Extreme-right party Golden Dawn (GD) came in third, followed by the communist party (KKE) and Democratic Alignment, while junior coalition partner ANEL is hovering on the 3% entry threshold.


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