Court frees ousted Mardin co-Mayor Ahmet Türk

The ousted and jailed co-mayor of the southeastern province of Mardin, Ahmet Türk, has been released from prison after a Mardin Criminal Court of Peace received an application against his arrest. 

Members of the public as well as politicians from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have called for the veteran politician to be tried without arrest, considering his severe health condition. 

Earlier in on Feb. 3, the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute issued its report on the health of Türk, stating that he could remain arrested. According to the forensics institute, "there is no problem in [Türk] remaining arrested in terms of his health." It also said he would undergo medical checks every six months. 

After the report Türk's lawyer, Zeynep Ceren Boztoprak, said they would apply to court for Türk's release. The report was later sent to the Mardin court. 

The Mardin Criminal Court of Peace evaluated the release demand and ordered Türk to be freed from a jail in the eastern province of Elazığ. 

Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Istanbul lawmaker Sezgin Tanrıkulu praised the court's decision. 

"Finally, a wrong verdict that contradicts justice and conscience has been rectified. Ahmet Türk was released - hope the rest will come," he tweeted.

Türk was ousted from office on Nov. 17, 2016, and arrested as part of a terrorism investigation on Nov. 24, 2016. 

After being arrested, Türk was held in Silivri Prison until he was transferred to Elazığ.

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