White House bars some news organizations from briefing

Reporters leave after failing to get access to an off camera briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and a small group of reporters instead of the normal on camera briefing at the White House on Feb. 24. AFP photo

The White House excluded several major U.S. news organizations, including some it has openly criticized, from an off-camera briefing held by the White House press secretary on Feb. 24, representatives of the organizations said. Reporters for CNN, The New York Times, Politico, The Los Angeles Times and BuzzFeed were not allowed into the session in the office of press secretary Sean Spicer. Spicer's off-camera briefing, or "gaggle," replaced the usual televised daily news briefing on Feb. 24 in the White House briefing room. He did not say why those particular news organizations were excluded, a decision which drew strong protests. Reuters was included in the session, along with about 10 other news organizations, including Bloomberg and CBS. Spicer said his team decided to have a gaggle in his office instead of a full briefing in the larger White House briefing room.  "Our job is to make sure that we're responsive to folks in media. We want to make sure we answer your questions, but we don't need to do everything on camera every day," he said. Off-camera gaggles are not unusual. The White House often invites handpicked outlets in for briefings, typically for specific topics. But briefings and gaggles in the White House are usually open to all outlets and they are free to ask anything. A pool reporter from Hearst Newspapers was included in the gaggle on Feb. 24 and was preparing a pool report for distribution to the entire press corps. Media outlets allowed into the gaggle also shared their audio with others. Spicer's decision drew a sharp response from some of the media outlets that were excluded. "Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties," Dean Baquet, executive editor of The...

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