Sean Spicer

Alternative facts on TV

The term "alternative facts" was coined by Kellyanne Conway, a senior White House aide in Donald Trump's administration, when she tried to justify a lie by then press secretary Sean Spicer, who claimed that the crowd assembled in Washington, DC for Trump's inauguration in 2017 "was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration" in person in the world (January 22, 2017).

The 4th anniversary of ‘alternative facts’

A few days ago (January 22, 2021) we marked the fourth anniversary since world audiences were first exposed to the idea of "alternative facts." That anniversary came two days after President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took their oaths in a socially distanced inauguration in front of 400,000 flags.

New White House communications boss deletes tweets

Donald Trump's new communications chief has deleted tweets in which he shared views contrary to the U.S. president's own, saying they were a distraction.

The day after he started his new job on July 21, Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier, cleared up his Twitter trail of remarks in which he differs from Trump on illegal immigration, climate change, Islam and even gun control.

U.S. Secretary of State to Make an Announcement of Iran's Nuclear Agreement with World Powers

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will "very shortly" make an announcement on Iran's nuclear agreement with world powers that President Donald Trump has called a "bad deal," White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Monday, cited by Reuters .

White House: Donald Trump Will Not Visit UK Next 2 Weeks

Donald Trump is not planning a surprise visit to the UK, his spokesman has said, ending speculation that the president would drop in at a Scottish golf course, writes London Evening Standar. 

Reports had suggested Mr Trump could make an unannounced visit to one of his golf resorts during an official visit to Europe this month.
