Dramatic drop in food retailing

Greeks have been repeatedly forced to cut back on food consumption since the outbreak of the crisis, as last year's 4 percent drop in food retailing took the total decrease in market turnover from 2009 to 2016 to 18 percent, according to data compiled by Nielsen researchers.

Last year's decline was not only brought about by the further decline in demand, but also the special conditions in the sector created by mergers, acquisitions and the restructuring of enterprises, with Marinopoulos being the most prominent example.

The Nielsen data also show a major trend toward concentration in the sector that the researchers estimate is set to continue in the next few years, while this year food retail turnover is projected to shrink by a further 2-3 percent compared to 2016.

Last year the sales value of food retailing - including small grocery stores - amounted to about 10...

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