Plans to sell of PPC power plants testing Greek gov't cohesion

The mood in the leftist-led government was tense on Tuesday as officials and MPs are divided over the prospect of privatizing the Public Power Corporation, the latest stumbling block in negotiations with the country's international creditors.

Meanwhile, as government officials indicate that a technical-level agreement can be reached in time for a Eurogroup summit on April 7, European officials told Kathimerini that all agreed-to measures must be approved in Greece's Parliament before talks can begin on debt relief and the level of primary surplus targets.

Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos indicated that a deal is not far away while Labor Minister Effie Achtsioglou remarked that the International Monetary Fund is intent on downgrading workers' rights.

In the wake of Interior Minister Panos Skourletis's comment on Monday, describing as "cannibalism" creditors'...

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