Mostly Sunny Today with Maximum Temperatures Between 23°C and 28°C
Today it will be mostly sunny. In the afternoon, cumulus clouds will develop across western Bulgaria with short spells of rain at a few places. Light wind from east to southeast. It will be relatively warm for early May with maximum temperatures between 23°C and 28°C, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, according to FOCUS News Agency.
The atmospheric pressure is slightly higher than the average for May - it will drop slightly.
Mostly sunny along the Black Sea Coast with light wind from northeast. Maximum air temperature: 20°C - 22°C. Water temperature: 11°C - 14°C.
It will be mostly sunny in the mountains with cumulus clouds forming in the afternoon, short spells of rain in some areas in the mountains in western Bulgaria. Light to moderate wind from south.
Мaximum temperature at 1200 meters about 18°C, at 2000 meters - about 10°C.
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