US President Trump fires FBI chief

President Donald Trump on May 9 fired FBI Director James Comey, according to the White House.   

Trump informed Comey that he has been "terminated and removed from office" based on recommendations by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the White House said in a statement.     

"The FBI is one of our Nation's most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement," Trump said in the statement.     

A search for a "new permanent FBI Director" will begin immediately, the statement added.     

Comey has been at the center of controversy since he disclosed a sensitive investigation into presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton in the waning days of last year's bitterly contested election.     

Clinton last week blamed her loss, in part, on the decision.     

Under Congressional testimony, Comey stood by his decision, saying that while the possibility that he influenced the Nov. 8 polls makes him "mildly nauseous", he believes he made the right call.     

In a letter to Comey provided by the White House, the president informed the ousted FBI chief that he concurred with Sessions and Rosenstein's recommendation to remove him.     

"While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau," Trump said. "You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately."     

A two-and-a-half-page memo from Rosenstein said the way Comey chose to handle the conclusion of the investigation into Clinton's email "was wrong".     

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