Two houses firebombed during street clashes in Menidi

Two houses in the Roma community of Avliza in Menidi, northwestern Attica, suffered damages on Sunday evening from fires that, police suspect, were caused by Molotov cocktails.

According to reports, the firebombs were thrown at the houses by a group of people that broke off from a march by around 200 people held in protest at the tragic death of an 11-year-old boy who was killed by a stray bullet during an open-air party for schoolchildren on Thursday.

The group clashed with riot police and set fire to the two houses and to street dumpsters.

The fire brigade put out the fires which caused minor damage while police detained four people - ethnic Greeks from the former Soviet Union.

Meanwhile,Trainose, the country's rail service operator, said that rocks were thrown at a train as it passed through Menidi, on its way from Halkida to Athens. No damages or...

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