As the wider crisis fades, Italy must focus on internal convergence

My favorite metaphor about Italy is that the country resembles the Torre di Pisa. It is a beautiful historical building that for centuries has looked like it was about to fall. But it still stands.

Now that most analysts claim that the worst of the eurozone crisis is behind us, Italy might finally face up to its own problems rather than blaming Europe. A first sign came with the recent elections that showed a decline of anti-European parties. Popular backing for European institutions is also returning, albeit timidly. Finally, growth is expected to exceed its (low) potential rate in the coming two years. If you were sitting on the top of the Torre di Pisa, still standing after a protracted decline and with a better perspective of your future, wouldn't you relax? You shouldn't, because you are still leaning. That is exactly Italy's problem.

It may sound provocative, but...

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