Probe launched into deadly accidents involving armored police vehicles in Turkey's southeast

Administrative and legal investigations have been launched into two traffic accidents involving armored police vehicles that led to the deaths of seven civilians in the Lice district of the southeastern province of Diyarbakır. 

The Diyarbakır Governor's Office stated that an inspector has asked to be assigned to the case from the Interior Ministry, Doğan News Agency reported. 

A total of seven civilians were killed when armored police vehicles and civilian cars crashed in two separate accidents on June 19 and June 20. 

Speaking at an event in Diyarbakır's Çınar district, Governor Hüseyin Aksoy said the investigations had been launched by the chief public prosecutor's office and the governor's office.

"Citizens were killed as a result of the accidents. We are deeply saddened by the incidents," Aksoy said regarding the two accidents, which also injured 14 police officers and 10 civilians.  

He added that two department heads from the security general directorate had arrived in Diyarbakır to examine the issue. 

"The inspectors will carry out investigations into how the incident took place. We will also investigate whether those driving the armored vehicles were at fault," Aksoy said. 

The deadly accidents were harshly criticized by the Kurdish issue-focused Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in a statement released on June 21. 

"We will continue our legal struggles regarding these killings. We suggest a delegation consisting of human rights groups, non-governmental organizations and independent experts visit the area and prepare a report," the statement read. 

HDP deputy Feleknas Uca also called for a parliamentary investigation to be launched into the accidents.

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