Ruling AKP deputy Conkar to head Turkey's NATO Parliament Assembly group

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Ahmet Berat Conkar is slated to head the Turkish group at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).

The Turkish NATO PA group convened on July 26 to elect the new president after the former president, Osman Aşkın Bak, was appointed as Turkey's new youth and sports minister in last week's cabinet reshuffle.

The NATO PA, which is made up of delegates from NATO's 28 member states, usually meets during the spring and autumn to formulate policy recommendations.

"We will continue our duty by prioritizing the national interest of our country as it was before," said Conkar.

Conkar was born in Ankara in 1976 and has been an AKP deputy for Istanbul since 2011.

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