Serbian delegation at NATO PA seminar points out Pristina's terror against Serbs

WARSAW - A Serbian delegation attending the 106th Rose-Roth seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly met with NATO PA Vice President Marcos Perestrello de Vasconcellos of Portugal and the head of the Portuguese delegation to the NATO PA Hugo Oliviera in Warsaw on Tuesday, pointing out the violence and terror Pristina was wreaking on Kosovo-Metohija Serbs on a nearly daily basis to expel them

Petkovic: NATO PA associate membership reward to Pristina for anti-Serb terror

BELGRADE - The head of the Serbian government Office for Kosovo-Metohija Petar Petkovic said Monday's decision to grant the so-called Kosovo associate membership status in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly laid bare the entire Western policy of double standards.

Granting Pristina associate membership in NATO PA a dangerous precedent - MPs

SOFIA - The Serbian parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly said the organisation's decision on Monday to grant associate membership status to the so-called Kosovo assembly was a dangerous precedent that would further worsen the living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

Granting Pristina associate membership in NATO PA dangerous precedent - Serbian delegation

SOFIA - The Serbian parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly said the organisation's decision on Monday to grant associate membership status to the so-called Kosovo assembly was a dangerous precedent that would further worsen the living conditions for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

Djukanovic sends protest letter to NATO PA president

BELGRADE - The head of Serbia's standing delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) Vladimir Djukanovic has sent a letter of protest to the body's President Michal Szczerba following announcements the status of the so-called Kosovo's assembly in the NATO PA could be promoted from observer to associate member, and noted that the Serbian parliament could reassess the purposefulness o

Ruling AKP deputy Conkar to head Turkey's NATO Parliament Assembly group

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Ahmet Berat Conkar is slated to head the Turkish group at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).

The Turkish NATO PA group convened on July 26 to elect the new president after the former president, Osman Aşkın Bak, was appointed as Turkey's new youth and sports minister in last week's cabinet reshuffle.

NATO official sees vital need for rebuilding of trust between Turkey, allies

He might have maintained his diplomatic grace, but veteran French politician Pierre Lellouche left no room for doubt in expressing his view that there is a strong need for a rebuilding of trust between Turkey and its allies in the fight against jihadists in Syria and Iraq.
