Conference on Euro-Atlantic integration of Serbia

BELGRADE - A conference dubbed Economic and Security Importance of Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Republic of Serbia - "For and Against" organized by the Atlantic Council of Serbia will be held in Belgrade on Monday.

The topics for the meeting at Crowne Plaza Belgrade are geo-political role of Serbia in the Western Balkans, importance of Euro-Atlantic integration for regional security in the Western Balkans and economic importance of Euro-Atlantic integration.

The conference will be attended by Vice President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Paolo Alli, former president of NATO PA Karl Lamers and Director of NATO Science and Technology Committee Henrik Bliddal.

The participants will also include President of the Serbian parliament's Security Services Control Committee Momir Stojanovic, Head of the parliament's delegation to NATO PA Dragan Sormaz and State Secretary in the Ministry for Trade Stevan Nikcevic.

Executive Director of the Atlantic Council of Serbia Milovan Milosevic, US Army Attaché in Serbia Taft Blackburn and military analyst Aleksandar Radic will also take part in the meeting.

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