Dragan Sormaz

Serb MP's "astonishing pro-Russia speech" at NATO Assembly

Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti is reporting this on Tuesday, adding that this occurred after Jovanovic spoke about "Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin."

Head of Serbia's delegation to the NATO Assembly, Dragan Sormaz from the ruling SNS, who also took part in the meeting, told the newspaper that Jovanovic's address was "unpolitical and not statesmanlike."

Ruling party official against granting RSHC diplomatic status

Head of the Serbian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Dragan Sormaz says that "neither the US nor Russia should pressure Serbia."

According to the website centralmedia.rs, he spoke in the town of Jagodina, and stressed that "as the Russians say the United States should not pressure Serbia, so they should not do it."

SNS official against granting Russians diplomatic status

Head of the Serbian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Dragan Sormaz says that "neither the US nor Russia should pressure Serbia."

According to the website centralmedia.rs, he spoke in the town of Jagodina, and stressed that "as the Russians say the United States should not pressure Serbia, so they should not do it."

Heads of delegations in parliamentary assemblies appointed

BELGRADE - The Serbian parliament appointed on Friday the heads of ten permanent delegations of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in international parliamentary institutions.

Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic has been appointed as the head of the Serbian parliament standing delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union.