Vulin: Armies exist for war, not peace, and ours is no different

No army in the world exists because of peace, but because of war, says Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

Speaking on Wednesday at the Batajnica airport during the marking of Air Force Day, Vulin observed that while tractors are more useful than tanks - if there are no tanks, then one day there will be no tractors, either.

"Or at least, you will not be the ones deciding who will drive them, and how," the minister told reporters and stressed that our military, like every other in the world, prepares for war "every day for its entire existence" - while it is up to the country's political leadership to make sure there is no war.

One must not forget, stressed Vulin, that Serbia is a neutral country that has "nobody to rely on except itself and its people."

For this reason, he believes that "some kind of training (of the entire population)" is needed.

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