"False information, disinformation": B92's Matic wins case against editor of tabloid Informer

Dragan J. Vucicevic, editor-in-chief of the daily Informer, has lost the court process against B92 news editor-in-chief Veran Matic.

The first-instance verdict of the Higher Court in Belgrade recently delivered to the parties states that Vucicevic and his private company that publishes Informer are ordered to pay damages to Matic in the amount of RSD 250,000, along with interest, starting from the beginning of February, along with trial costs in the amount of RSD 88,600.

The court also ordered Vucicevic to publish the ruling and his expenses in one of the two next issues of Informer, as well as in the electronic edition of the newspaper published online.

The lawsuit was filed over a series of articles about Matic, published in Informer from August 2014 until the end of January 2015, while during the proceedings, articles published in the same newspaper after the...

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