PM aims to talk growth, hindered by oil spill disaster

The recent oil spill in the Saronic Gulf continues to hamper Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's attempts to shift focus back onto growth. Conflicting views emerged from his government regarding the environmental disaster off the southern coast of Athens, while experts warned its effects would linger for several years.

Tsipras is due to head to Crete to speak in Iraklio at the latest regional conference organized by the government with the hope of discussing local infrastructure projects and investments in renewable energy. However, the coalition is struggling to escape from the damage inflicted by the sinking of a tanker off Salamina, which released some 300 tons of fuel oil into the sea, and accusations that authorities were too slow and uncoordinated in their response.

SYRIZA's parliamentary spokesman, Nikos Xydakis, suggested in comments to Skai TV on Tuesday that...

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