Nikos Xydakis

7 ξεχωριστά ξενοδοχεία στα περίχωρα του Λονδίνου - Eξοχικά τοπία και διαμονή υψηλής ποιότητας

Μοναδικές προτάσεις κοντά στην δημοφιλή μεγαλούπολη

Απατεώνας προσπάθησε να ξεγελάσει μια 73χρονη, όμως εκείνη του την έφερε όπως δεν μπορούσε να φανταστεί

Η εκδίκηση της γιαγιάς.

PM aims to talk growth, hindered by oil spill disaster

The recent oil spill in the Saronic Gulf continues to hamper Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras's attempts to shift focus back onto growth. Conflicting views emerged from his government regarding the environmental disaster off the southern coast of Athens, while experts warned its effects would linger for several years.

SYRIZA MP admits comment that ERT TV is 'tragic' was exaggerated

SYRIZA parliamentary spokesman and lawmaker Nikos Xydakis on Monday admitted to having exaggerated when he said that the state-run ERT broadcaster is "tragic."

"I respect and honor ERT," Xydakis said on a Monday morning television talk show responding to criticism of his comments, made on Sunday at the Delphi Economic Forum.
