Nikos Xydakis

Baltas own goal: SYRIZA says “No” to Amal Cloony regarding the return of the Parthenon Marbles

The Greek government appears to have changed its  course concerning the acquisition of the Parthenon Marbles from the British Museum in London. Culture Minister Aristidis Baltas on Tuessday said the government is no longer mulling legal action ot win back Greek antiquities but would instead kick-start a diplomatic campaign to repatriate the 5th century BC statues.

Tsipras to stress refugee crisis is European problem in Valletta Summit meeting

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras visits Malta to attend the Valletta Summit which will focus on action for migration.

He is expected to reiterate his position that the refugee crisis must be dealt with as a joint European problem and not as one that concerns only the country of entry.

Greek-Iran strengthen ties and look to closer relations

Deputy European Affairs Minister Nikos Xydakis and Iranian Ambassador to Greece Behnam Behrouz on Friday discussed ways in which to upgrade bilateral cooperation between Greece and Iran in sectors such as energy, trade and tourism.

The meeting was held ahead of planned visits to Tehran by Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

Bourne legacy, a missed opportunity for Greek movie industry… heads to Tenerife (pics)

Neighboring countries may be cashing in on lucrative Hollywood deals with big budgets and international stars, but Greece is turning them away. Producers of the fifth installment of the Bourne spy series starring Matt Damon abandoned Greece as a possible location for the film, choosing instead to transform Tenerife into Athens.

A year on, no answers to ancient Greek tomb

A possible resting place of Alexander the Great, the largest tomb ever discovered in Greece, now lies almost forgotten inAmphipolis A year after being hailed as one of Greece's greatest archaeological finds and a possible resting place of Alexander the Great, the largest tomb ever discovered in the country lies almost forgotten in the blazing summer sun.

Tax evasion at Knossos ancient site

Inspectors of the Ministry of Finance audited the souvenir shop at the Archeological Site of Knossos on the isle of Crete. The tax inspectors arrived after a visitor claimed he didn’t get a receipt for the items he purchased. Posing as customers, tax inspectors found that over the course of several hours, none of the eight shop employees issued receipts for sales.
