About 60% of General Practitioners in Bulgaria are over 55 Years of Age


About 60% of GPs are over 55 years of age and the average age of nurses and midwives is over 53 years.

This was announced by Deputy Chairman of the Bulgarian Medical Association Dr. Galinka Pavlova on Thursday. She commented that when the system is under-funded, doctors and nurses work in more than one place and are forced to work longer hours. At a forum organized by the CITUB Health Federation, participants from different countries discussed the differences in the working hours of doctors and nurses, their workplace risks and working conditions.

It is necessary to raise awareness of the psychosocial risks of healthcare workers, which will be achieved through a combination of different policy instruments - legislation, social dialogue, good practices, corporate social responsibility, economic incentives, say conference participants. They propose to introduce good practices and understanding by employers to reduce stress, violence, anxiety at work.

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