Belgrade Liberation Day celebrated

The presentation of a part of Serbian Army's operative capabilities took place on Friday at the military airport Batajnica, near the Serbian capital.

The event, "Freedom 2017," marked the anniversary of the liberation of German-occupied Belgrade in the Second World War, carried out by the Yugoslav People's Army and the Red Army.

The ceremony started with the sounding of Serbia's national anthem, followed by President Aleksandar Vucic reviewing the VS Guards, and receiving their report.

For the first time since they arrived, the six MiG-29s that Russia recently donated to Serbia have been shown to the public at Batajnica.

The official handover ceremony for the warplanes would also held today, Tanjug said ahead of the event.

Numerous citizens arrived to the airport, where they were able to see more than 2,200 Serbian soldiers, and more than 130 different...

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