Dark Chocolate is Useful for Treating High Blood Pressure

Source: Pixabay

Black chocolate lovers will surely be glad to learn that it is useful against high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack, according to a US study.

Black chocolate is rich in substances known as flavanols, which contribute to lowering high blood pressure - a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Flavanols also contain some fruits, including apples, pears, grapes and blueberries, 24chasa reports.

In the study, which covered over 14,000 people, its authors from Walden University in Minneapolis, USA, have sought a link between black chocolate consumption and low blood pressure. For the purpose, participants were divided into three groups that consumed different quantities - one or two blocks, three or four blocks and more than four blocks of black chocolate a week. Experts reported a "significant decrease" in blood pressure among all tested people who consumed the most black chocolate.

A recent Australian study - an analysis of 15 previous studies, also found that black chocolate lowers high blood pressure.

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